Discover the strategic value of intelligent automations in Python for businesses

See how our solution works. Get in touch with an expert for a custom quote.

Recognized by Market Leaders

Used by over 1000 companies in 70 countries

Automations run 3x to 15x faster while costing up to 3x less.

Performance benchmark based on real use cases comparing the same processes developed in low-code platforms versus Python with BotCity.

BotCity Runners



UIPath unattended bots



Automation Anywhere unattended bots



BluePrism unattended bots


Platforms comparison

Eliminate excess, maximize results: fewer licenses needed, higher ROI.

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Advantages of BotCity for business

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Increase ROI and optimize your TCO with automations that deliver more value and reduce infrastructure costs.

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Ensure quality with sophisticated performance metrics and automations up to 15x faster.

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Utilize a wide range of libraries and standard market software components, reducing risks and increasing project continuity without relying on a single vendor.

Marketing icon

Intelligent automations in Python offer higher performance and support automations across various systems, such as web, desktop, and legacy.

Orchestration and Governance Platform for Intelligent Automations in Python

For companies that need an open-source orchestration and governance platform tailored to their specific needs. BotCity can be deployed in the cloud, on dedicated servers, or in a local environment with customized packages.

See how it works

Automation Without Barriers. Governance Without Limits.

  • Orchestrate your automations with multivendor flexibility and full control.
  • Break free from vendor lock-in and scale without compromising governance.

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  1. Select a date and time from the calendar.
  2. Confirm your details.
  3. Get the meeting link and see how to transform your automations in practice.

What our clients are saying

We were using a low-code platform, and after adopting BotCity, our RPA initiative scaled up more rapidly. We accelerated the increase of ROI and FTE and also reduced license costs.

Pieter Vosholyn, IT Manager at Andrade Gutierrez

"The adoption of BotCity has been a true game-changer for Bayer's operations in Latin America, enabling us to triple automations, reduce costs, and empower our citizen developers with the autonomy to lead digital transformation across the organization. This initiative is already being evaluated for global expansion, solidifying our position at the forefront of innovation."

Rafael Muniz, Intelligent Automation Manager - Bayer LATAM

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Unlock the full potential of intelligent automation

Boost tech team productivity with BotCity's Python RPA and Intelligent Automation software.