Oncoclínicas saves 85 FTEs per month with robots that are up to 4 times faster

Oncoclínicas is a leading oncology, hematology, and radiotherapy group from Minas Gerais, Latin America, with a presence in 14 Brazilian states and a network of over 2,700 doctors and 7,000 employees. The company processes thousands of health procedure records and authorization requests each month.

From 15 to 5

Reduction in Automation Anywhere licenses


monthly FTE savings (Full-Time Equivalent)

U$ 470,000+

in savings

From 14 to 3

virtual machines reduction

Minas Gerais, Brazil
Company Size

Oncoclínicas&Co is the result of a pioneering initiative in the management and administration of oncology services

Founded by clinical oncologist Bruno Ferrari in 2010 in Belo Horizonte, Oncoclínicas&Co has achieved significant milestones in cancer treatment over the years. Today, it is recognized as one of the largest and most respected oncology, hematology, radiotherapy, and genomics groups in Latin America.

As a leader in the country’s oncology sector, the group’s competitive advantages include a highly specialized, multidisciplinary team and an innovative medical approach; a proven track record of M&A with significant ongoing opportunities in the market; and a flexible and agile business model that creates multiple avenues for growth.

Automated Processes

21 automations, including the request, monitoring, modification, and cancellation of authorizations on the websites of 8 healthcare providers (Bradesco Saúde, Amil, Sulamérica, Unimed)

22,000 daily bot interactions, with 99% accuracy.

Challenge: Weak Tool Support and Slow Development Progress

Dealing with various partner insurance providers, the group has a structured RPA initiative to automate processes for request submission, approval, and cancellation of procedures across different departments within the company

Until 2023, they were using Low-Code automations but were dissatisfied with the tool’s support and decided to seek a more robust RPA solution with a more attractive ROI.

They also needed to enhance agility and standardization within the development team. Since automation code was often written with specific preferences unique to each developer, the technical leadership needed to prevent situations where the code became dependent on a single developer, ensuring that maintenance could be handled by multiple team members.

Solution: Reusable Python Repositories and Improved Log and Error Management

The company decided to test the RPA approach with Python to reuse tasks and establish a development standard. The result? Development became more agile, with bots being deployed to production in one-week sprints.

The RPA team at Oncoclínicas adopted BotCity’s development templates, which helped create a repository of reusable functions. In terms of orchestration and governance, the company now has a comprehensive execution and error log for code-based automations, including detailed screenshots to pinpoint exactly where errors occurred.

We now have enhanced execution logs and error analysis, allowing us to maintain and support our processes faster than ever before.

José Roberto, RPA Technical Lead

The BotCity Orchestrator also checks if the libraries are on the most robust versions for that bot, ensuring it is always using the latest code version.


In just one month with BotCity, Oncoclínicas had already developed its own framework for task reuse, error logs, and execution, with its first bot rewritten from Low-Code to Python up and running.

Today, with 25 bots rewritten from Low-Code to Python and running on 3 virtual machines, the team has also optimized their computing infrastructure. Previously, 14 virtual machines were required to run just 10 Low-Code bots. Additionally, while executing an item in Low-Code took 31 seconds, the Python version completes it in just 8 seconds, and without errors.

Bots that once required very high costs with annual dollar-based licensing and a virtual machine for each bot and runner are now developed much faster and deliver significantly better performance.

José Roberto, RPA Technical Lead

Low-code automations work very well for simple tasks. However, when automating a more complex system with dozens of functions, maintenance becomes more challenging.

Gabriel Vital

RPA Systems Analyst

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