LG Electronics Brazil Saves 15,000 Hours of Manual Tasks in 2 Years

LG Corporation, formerly known as Lucky-GoldStar, is a major South Korean conglomerate with operations spanning electronics, mobile phones, petrochemicals, energy, machinery, metals, finance, and services.


Manual Work Hours Reduced Over Two Years


Real-Time Monitored Robots


Annual Work Hours Saved Per RPA Robot

Manaus, Brazil
Company Size

Operating in Brazil since 1996, LG Electronics offers an extensive range of products in the country, including over 350 items such as TVs, audio and video equipment, computers, air conditioners, white goods, and corporate solutions. The company manufactures most of the products sold in Brazil at its Manaus facility, which is now considered LG’s second-largest operation outside of Korea, only behind the United States. With approximately 3,000 employees, the Brazilian subsidiary boasts its own Research and Development center, technical support, call center, and a dedicated store in Recife.

Automated Processes

Invoice Verification on the Brazilian Navy Website (Logistics)

Inventory Reports and Material Relocation Analysis

Production and Sales Scenario Simulations (Planning)

Invoice Reports (Supply Chain)

Challenge: Accelerate Development and Enhance Gains in Industrial and Business Operations

LG Electronics Brazil needed to speed up development and improve gains in industrial operations and business areas. The company’s Brazilian headquarters lacked a dedicated Robotic Process Automation (RPA) team and relied on IT to automate corporate legacy systems. In 2021, the technical team decided to develop an RPA strategy to introduce intelligence into business areas and industrial operations. The existing RPA initiatives from the international headquarters used low-code tools like UI Path but did not deliver the expected performance and return.

The difficulty in meeting operational demands and the need for a more efficient solution led to the search for a more robust and flexible alternative. LG decided to explore pure Python development as a way to overcome these limitations, creating an internal pilot project, CORPA (Operational RPA Center), to compare low-code tools with custom code solutions.

Solution: Accelerated Speed and Efficiency through Python

With the rapid and efficient development of RPAs in Python during the pilot project, LG Brazil invested in new Python automations. To facilitate robot management and automation governance, the chosen solution was BotCity’s orchestrator, which centralizes and simplifies the governance of all automation initiatives by connecting developers and business professionals on a unified platform.

The ability to monitor and manage robot operations in real-time, preventing failures and ensuring consistent automation delivery, was one of the major differentiators.

“Currently, we have 60 robots monitored in real-time with governance. If any robot encounters an issue, an alert is instantly generated, allowing us to promptly identify and resolve the problem.”

Luis Arantes Filho, DX Coordinator at LG Electronics

The implementation of BotCity’s RPAs not only automated critical tasks but also enhanced integration and efficiency in LG’s daily operations.

“When we began connecting all tasks with BotCity and our platform, things started to align better, move faster, and focus more on results.”

Nelson Gouveia, General Manager of DX and Innovation at LG

Future: Focus on Expanding Python Training Program

LG Electronics Brazil plans to further expand the use of Python automations for digital transformation initiatives. A key initiative in this expansion is the DX Academy project, designed to enhance Python development capabilities and train new professionals. The aim is to grow a network of skilled developers who can drive digital transformation within LG’s business sectors and across companies in the Amazonas region.

"Adopting Python for our operations was intended to give us greater freedom in advanced research. Python’s extensive libraries, particularly those focused on artificial intelligence, offer capabilities that are more challenging to achieve with other tools.”

Luis Arantes Filho

DX Coordinator at LG Electronics

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