Prio Saves 800 Work Hours Monthly with Python RPA

PRIO, an independent oil and gas company in Brazil, found in robotic process automation (RPA) a way to modernize its back-office operations.


Reduction in pending fiscal processes in less than 60 days


Processes mapped and automated in less than a week


Weekly hours saved in areas such as IT, fiscal, regulatory, compliance, and treasury


Automations developed

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Company Size
501 - 1.000

The Largest Private Oil Company in Brazil

PRIO (formerly PetroRio) is a publicly traded Brazilian company focused on oil and gas production, investment, and asset recovery. It specializes in efficient reservoir management and the development of mature fields. The company is also dedicated to the production, exploration, commercialization, and transportation of oil and natural gas.

Automated Processes

Fiscal Process Automation: Pending reports and tax bookkeeping

Data Cross-Referencing and Supplier Risk Reporting

Supplier Verification: Compliance status validation in under 10 minutes

Challenge: Scalability and Efficiency

When PRIO, a company with a daily production exceeding 100,000 barrels of oil, began its journey in this area, it used on-demand back-office automation with low-code tools or without orchestration features, such as Power Automate. 

The company was concerned about lock-in with low-code automation tools, which involved high-cost licenses and limited scalability from a financial perspective, as well as less flexible tools for technical requirements. This scenario restricted the company’s flexibility and agility. Additionally, reliance on specific platforms made it difficult to transition to more advanced solutions and hindered the company from exploring new opportunities for process optimization.

Solution: Investment in Python RPA

The company needed a cost-effective solution that was flexible enough to integrate new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, into its ecosystem without compromising data security. The solution came with a strong focus on Python RPA and the partnership with BotCity, leveraging its code-based automation implementation and orchestration platform—primarily using Python.

This initiative allowed PRIO to transition from ad-hoc automations to a scalable operational model. BotCity’s RPA orchestrator provided the company with the tools needed to establish effective automation governance, ensuring the sustainability of its operations.

Governance and Orchestration

The governance and orchestration provided by the platform also allowed PRIO to standardize processes and ensure operational continuity despite the dynamic changes and expansions in the business. In addition to operational gains, the partnership with BotCity enabled PRIO to embark on a journey of hyperautomation, integrating artificial intelligence solutions such as Microsoft Copilot and planning future initiatives to extend automation across the organization.

With BotCity’s Python orchestrator, we began undertaking large-scale automation efforts. This decision aligned with our IT strategy to transition from a purely support role to one that adds value to the entire business,” says Wescley.
Automations need to evolve and adapt, and when you can’t transfer and improve robots according to the business needs, it limits the advancement of the solutions we deliver.

Wescley Fernandes

IT Manager at PRIO

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